
Saturday, October 15, 2016


God blessed them and said to them, “be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground. Genesis 1:28” {NIV}

The first mandate God gave man was to be fruitful. Poverty was not part of God’s plan for man. Everything man will ever need was created in abundance by God before he made man. God looked at everything he created and they were very good.

Satan tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and they fell. They fell from their throne as the ruler of the earthly realm. They swapped their authority for captivity. Satan became the god of the world. As a result of their disobedience, sickness, disease, poverty, death etc. came in to the world and impacted the life of mankind. God is not the author of poverty. Poverty is evil. Satan is the author.

Poverty is a condition of life where one is not able to help himself.It's a condition of life where one is scrapping through life. Poverty is more than a mind-set. There is a spirit behind it. It’s called the spirit of poverty. It maneuvers people’s thinking and enforces lack and wants in their lives. It keeps people destitute and bound them to a life of lack. It blinds people’s mind to their prosperity in God.

Listen, if you are a child of God, and you are living in poverty, get up and rebuke the spirit of poverty in the name of Jesus. You are not supposed to be poor anymore. Jesus had crushed sin and its effects. Jesus had conquered poverty for you. You have been made a victor over this world. Don’t accept poverty. It is not for you.

For you know the grace of our lord Jesus Christ, for though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich .2 Corinthians 8:9{NIV}

You are now blessed in Christ Jesus. Jesus has made you rich. Let the reality of who you are in Christ Jesus dominate your consciousness at all time. Start thinking and talking like a rich and blessed man because that is who you are. Declare the word boldly. Declare who you are and what belongs to you in Christ. Refuse to be small. Refuse to be contained. Refuse to be limited. There is an abundant life ordained for you in Christ.

Beloved, i wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 2{KJV}

Forget about your circumstances; agree with the word of God. The word will pull you out and cause you to walk in the blessings that God has already given to you.