
Sunday, November 20, 2016


Your seed is what you have. Your seed is what God has giving you to get what you want. Anything you want in life, you can get. You can use your seed to connect to it. You are the one to initiate your miracle. And you start it by putting your seed on the ground.

If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, remove from hence to yonder place; and it shall remove. Matthew 17:20

You can plant your faith as a seed, to move mountains in your life. It is called seed of faith. Faith is the key to everything. At the other end of each seed is a harvest waiting for you to reap. When you open your hand God will open his windows.

The great man of God Oral Roberts said “when you take the faith that God has giving you and use it according to his word, it becomes a mighty tool to move the mountain of need you face in your life. Your seed-sowing and your reaping put you in charge of the harvest God said you would receive. You take control rather than sitting down at the mercy of the devil”

The seed principle is an eternal principle. “While the earth remaineth seedtime and harvest …shall not cease” Genesis 8:22

God is a multiplier of seed. If he discovers you as a sower, He will increase your capacity to give. And the bigger your seed, the greater your harvest.

“He that soweth sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he that soweth bountifully shall also reap bountifully”

Once you sow you have activated your receiving. It’s a divine law.  Believers who are not sowing are walking in unbelief and fear. Become persuaded by the word. Don’t allow the spirit of greed to contain you at the same level.

Think like a farmer. Every Farmer knows if they eat their seed they have forfeited their next harvest. So don’t withhold your seed and don’t eat it. Use it to produce more. Your seed can unlock a series of harvest in your life you never thought were possible.

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