
Wednesday, November 30, 2016


For whatever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith. 1 John 5:4

You are a victor

Faith is the victory that overcomes this world. If you are a new creation in Christ Jesus, you are a carrier of God's Life. You have become a partaker of the Divine Nature. You have been declared as a world-overcomer.  You are a man of different class. You carry a spiritual capacity called faith, which no natural man can have. And this faith is what makes you a constant victor.

“For there in is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, the just shall live faith.” Romans 1:17

Faith is law in the realm the realm of the spirit. That is how God operates and that is how he wants us too to operate.

You have been enthroned

Jesus conquered the world and his governing forces and gave you the victory. You have been given a joint-seating privilege with Christ in the heavenly places. That means you have been enthroned. You are ordained to live above this world. You are called to rule and reign with the authority of Jesus. You have got to understand who you are and what belong to you in Christ.

Seen the unseen

Faith is a product of revelation. If your revelation level is low, your faith level will also be low. Faith is to the extent of information. Faith comes by hearing the word. The word is the source of faith. Faith births courage. Faith is total confidence in the word. Faith is spiritual it is above and beyond human senses. Spiritual realities don’t make sense to our physical senses but our spirit can grasp them.

Faith is the realm where invisible realities become real to you. And you can relate with this realities with your spirit through God's word. Natural men want to see and then believe what they have seen. But faith makes you believe what is not yet visible.

For we walk by faith and not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7


Your physical circumstances are enemy of your faith. You must never allow what you see to overpower what you believe. Faith doesn't need any physical evidence.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2crithians 4:18

Speaking faith-energized words

It is the speaking faith that will in actuality overcome the world. Faith that won't boldly proclaim God's word is not God- kind of faith. God created the world through spoken words. Faith that talks to the mountain is the faith that produces results. Your mountain is any situation you want to change. The scriptures say you have got to talk to the mountain. Give your faith focus. Be specific. Speak faith-energized words. Faith works. Believe and speak. Remember: “be it unto you according to your faith”

Be fully persuaded

When you say you believe it means you have become persuaded by the word. It means you have accepted the word as final authority. And you are willing to rest on it irrespective of circumstance.

Satan will throw thing against you to make you doubt. Resist the devil. Don’t let doubt stop you or cripple your progress. Trust God to be who says he is.

Faith appropriates the word. Faith takes what God says and maintains its hold on it. Faith doesn’t try to get. It receives and possesses it.

Faith is not in the realm of “I shall.” Faith takes it now. Faith says “it is done, I have it” Without any physical evidences.

Faith is the substance of things you hope for. Faith is the evidence of the unseen realities.

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