
Thursday, November 17, 2016


For as he thinketh in his heart so is he proverb 23:7{KJV}

There is a secret that is hidden from many people in this world. It is the fact that we create our experiences in life by our thoughts. The happenings in our lives are created by the happenings in our thoughts.

 When we talk about thought we are talking about one of the major function of our mind. The human mind is spiritual and powerful. Your thoughts are processed in your mind. Your thoughts are processed based on the character of your information.

 Everything you have been through in your life has already created a customized thought pattern in your mind. You are the way you are because of the way you think; you do the things you do because of the way you think.
Each individual is what he is, and his life is what it is, and his circumstances are what they are, simply as a result of his thoughts. What a man thinks he becomes; what a man thinks is the mainstream of his actions; what a man thinks attracts to him his circumstances and environment; what a man thinks determines what type of friends and companions will gather around him; what a man thinks decides whether he shall be happy or miserable, successful or unsuccessful, healthy or unhealthy, prosperous or poverty-stricken, hated or loved. 

… be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind… Romans 12:2{KJV}

God has given us the power to change our lives by renewing our mind. How do we renew our mind? We renew our mind with the word of God. The word is given to us to live by. It is given to us so we can program our life by it and walk in victories. The word of God carries transforming power. It carries the ability to change our life and circumstances.

 The challenge with many believers is that they don’t know how to create these changes in their lives. The truth is that our life is transform by the renewing of our mind. The Word changes our thinking. It transforms our thought life and changes our perception about life. The better your thinking, the better your lives. The more glorious your thought life, the more glorious your lives will be.

God has already given you a glorious life of success and victory. Let the word transform your thought life and you will see your life metamorphosed from one degree of glory to another.

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