
Friday, January 13, 2017


 "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:17

Faith is a spiritual substance that is transported into our spirit through the word. Faith is a force that energizes the human spirit for response. Faith does not function in your mind; it functions in your spirit.

Developing your faith

Growing unshakable faith requires a conscious effort on your part. It will not happen by chance. The enemy will see to it that your faith get stunted if you are not serious about developing your faith. Faith doesn't just grow by itself; it develops through consistent feeding on the word and exercising your faith muscles. It is not every teaching that imparts faith. Expose yourself only to right teaching.

More importantly, you must exercise your faith and keep exercising it. When your head aches, use your faith. Speak to and command the pain to go. Speak to your job. Speak to business. Speak to your finances. Start using your faith. The more you exercise your faith muscle the stronger it gets.

Facts and circumstances

Natural knowledge will try to influence your thinking. Refuse to let fact and circumstances override your faith. Set your mind on the word. Trying to know too much in the natural will mess your faith up. Don't bow to men's theory and experience. Live by the word.

As a new creation, the life you are living now is not a continuation of the old life. It's a new life entirely. Victory over the world and its wicked forces has been given to you in Christ.

"For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world..." 1 John 5:4

To overcome is to conquer, to triumph over, to master or to subdue. If you are in Christ all forces in this world are under your feet. "And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church." Ephesians 1:22

Everything that is beneath the feet of Jesus is beneath the church. Jesus is the head the Church is his body. If you are a member of his body all invisible forces of hell has been made subject to your authority in Christ. Let this consciousness dominate your heart. No devil can block your way in life.

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