
Tuesday, December 13, 2016


"Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the ISSUES of life." Proverb 4:23

The scriptures says out of the heart are the ISSUES of life. You are supposed to apply diligence in guarding your heart.
What does the word issues implies? Consequences, results, events, upshot, outcomes.

Out of our heart flow the events and outcomes of our lives.

Jesus said “a good man, out of the good treasure of his HEART brings forth good THINGS.” Matthew 12:35

The challenge is many don't guard their hearts. Their hearts are filled with all kinds of contents that can never build up their lives. They are loaded up on wrong stuffs. LET YOUR HEART CARRY HEAVY WORD-CONTENT. That's the real good treasure!

Jesus taught the parable of the sower to show 4 different kinds of heart conditions.
1. Wayside heart
2. Stony heart,
3. Thorns heart
4. Good ground heart.

Surprisingly, Jesus showed that 3 out of these 4 kinds of heart can never manifest or deliver SPIRITUALS into TANGIBLE RESULTS. Only one kind can do that -THE GOOD GROUND HEART.

How does the kingdom work?  The kingdom works from within you! If it is not working inside you, it won't work outside. You can't bring change to your life until you first bring change to your heart.

See, God is awesome, he asks us to meditate day and night on his WORD, so that our hearts will be filled with the most powerful seed- HIS WORD. Because He knows that our heart is a spiritual SOIL.

Whatever you want to see, plant the seed in your heart with the WORD. Also the atmosphere is as important as the seed. Guard your heart.

Please go for revelation knowledge. You need materials, don't deceive yourself. Get eBooks, audio &video messages and music so you can constantly energize your spirit.
What is coming ahead will shock many people. But those who are fortified by the word will pull through victoriously. If you put your confidence in the natural you will be disappointed. Don't wait till circumstances become tougher than you before you realize you need to gym up spiritually.

Finally, the manifestations of your life are not coming from heaven; they are coming from your heart. YOUR LIFE GROWS FROM YOUR HEART. Get your heart loaded with good treasure of his WORD so that you can continually BRING FORTH good things in your life.

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